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Moths are a serious pest problem in NJ, and should not be ignored. These pests can damage carpets, clothing, and other items made of natural fibers. They also harm plants. These pests can quickly establish themselves in NJ, and need effective treatment in order to prevent further infestations. There are a few ways to control moths in your home. First, you can call a pest control company. Our pest control technician will inspect your home and apply the appropriate pesticides.

We will also ensure that the chemical is only applied to the areas that are infested. You can also do the job yourself, but you need to follow all safety instructions carefully. Use only approved residential pesticides and don’t mix different types of pesticides.If you choose to do it yourself, use low-risk delivery methods such as baits or traps, and use chemicals that are safe for humans and the environment. Remember that all chemicals must be properly disposed of. Moths can cause serious damage to food and clothing. They live for about two weeks and can fly hundreds of meters. If left untreated, moths can infest a home and cause thousands of dollars in damaged fabric and spoiled food. Moth infestations are a nightmare that should never be ignored!

Our moth infestation removal in NJ services can help you prevent further damage by removing the moths from your home. While many DIY methods are effective for a temporary period of time, they may not be effective for a long-term solution. The best solution for controlling moths is professional service from Get'm Pest Control. We are a family-owned and operated business that provides year-round solutions for your moth infestation.

Indian Meal Moths are the most current pests of stored food in the world. The wings are held back over the body when it rests on a surface. The exposed half of the forewings is a coppery-red color, while the half closer to the body is creamy-white.

How Our Experts Treat Moths

If you think your moth infestation has become established, professional treatment is necessary. Many homeowners attempt to treat the problem themselves, but the results are often less than satisfactory. If you’re worried about moths in your home, remember to wash all your linens and soft furnishings, as moths can lay their eggs in crevices and cracks. Cleaning the affected cupboards, drawers, and suitcases is also a good way to get rid of these pests and their eggs. Our moth infestation removal in NJ, service is provided by highly-experienced professionals who know the ins and outs of the pest problem. The service is fast, effective, and cost-effective. We are licensed for commercial and residential pest control and offer free quotes and estimates.

Moths prefer dark areas. You should check these areas often. They also like bird nests in the eaves. For this reason, it is crucial to regularly check for bird nests to minimize the risk of moth infestations. The following tips are designed to protect your home from these pests and make it a safer and healthier place for you and your family. While moths prefer dark places, it’s still possible for them to infest your home. Thankfully, our exterminators in NJ have the skills and training to eliminate moth infestations. Although their lifespan is short, they can travel hundreds of meters. They can damage food and clothing, so it is essential to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Whether you’re dealing with a bed bug infestation or a pest infestation in your home, we’re here to help. There is no reason to live with an infestation in your home. Whether you’re facing a moth infestation in your home or a commercial property, you can always count on us to get rid of it quickly. Using repellents and other preventative measures will help you prevent moth infestations. However, for larger infestations, you may need professional treatment. You must regularly check high-risk areas of your property for any signs of infestations. Also, keep in mind that clothes moths do not like light, so it’s essential to keep them in dark areas. Another prevention measure is to check for bird nests in your eaves.

The Effectiveness of Using Our Moth Infestation Removal Contractor

If you are having difficulty removing moths from your home, you should consider using a professional moth infestation removal service. These pests are particularly destructive to clothing. We offer a variety of treatments to combat this problem. Whether you have seen their larvae or not, they can cause serious damage to your clothing. One of the first things to do when you suspect you have a moth infestation is to clean and inspect your clothing. You may notice residues from cleaning products in your clothing, or you might even find their eggs. Moths can also breed in your clothing, so it is essential to keep it stored in an airtight container. You should also perform regular vacuuming to remove any larvae and eggs. This includes the inside of closets. You should also avoid using common pesticides on your fabrics.

Hiring our professional moth infestation removal service is the best way to control the infestation and prevent future infestations. If you attempt to eliminate moths on your own, you may only see temporary lulls in their activity before the infestation returns again. This can lead to expensive repairs and possible health risks for you and your family. Moths like warm, humid places, so you should keep your rooms well-ventilated.

In addition to hiring our professional to remove the moths, you should also take steps to reduce their number within your home. Vacuuming your home regularly is an effective way to remove moth eggs and larvae. However, you should ensure that you vacuum thoroughly and carefully after using a vacuum cleaner. It is also important to dispose of any used vacuum bags properly. The cost depends on whether you opt for a service contract with an exterminator or a one-time visit. In some cases, moth infestations are unavoidable and can cause severe damage to trees. Insecticides will be used to treat infestation areas identified by our moth infestation removal service. However, ground-based treatment is not possible if the infestation is too large or inaccessible by vehicle.

How To Get Rid Of Moths

Call or Book Us Now GE T’M PEST CONTROL if you have a moth infestation, particularly in a food preparation area. , we have a program designed explicitly for moth problems in kitchens and other eating areas. It is a vaporous, odorless liquid that is appropriate to deal with this particular issue.

Moths go through what is called ‘complete metamorphosis’. The adult moths lay eggs which develop into larvae.

The larvae (and not the egg or the adult) feed on foods in your home. The presence of adult moths shows some infested food somewhere. The laundry list of possible foods that these moths can attack includes just about – grains, nuts, fruits, and other products from plants.

The adult meal moth usually avoids lights, so you won’t find it at the entrance light or banging into your reading lamp. They will infest:

  • Flour and other baking meals – brownie mix, cornbread mix, cake mix, powdered milk, etc.
  • Nuts – whether in the shell or out of it, within packages, within candy bars or cookies
  • Grain products – pet food, bread, crackers, chips, birdseed
  • Spices – peppers, paprika, etc
  • Dried flowers – bouquet arrangements, as well as other decorative arrangements of wheat stalks, flowers, acorns, nuts, pine cones, dried corn, etc.
  • The larva of the Indian Meal Moth has no spots on its body but is smooth, white, pinkish, cream-colored, or even with a greenish tint.



  • Find the cause of the problem and throw away any infested food. There are sometimes more than one source including flours and cake mixes, nuts, grain products, spices, dried flowers, pasta.
  • Vacuum-clean all the cupboards to eliminate food debris.
  • Have Eastern come and develop a treatment with an odorless, vapor less material that is appropriate to be used in food areas.



  • Grains, pasta, nuts, and other foods should be sealed in impermeable containers and stored in dry, cool locations.
  • Don’t allow products to sit on your shelves for several periods of time.
  • Check products for signs of insects in order not to allow an infestation to grow.
  • Clean up small spills of food debris commonly including under microwaves and toaster ovens and other areas.
  • Examine food for infestations particularly “health” or ‘organic” foods that have not gone through processing that might eliminate meal moths.


Call or Book Us Now GE T’M Pest Control will give you more information or schedule an appointment

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